The Attack on Paris

2E6D22D900000578-3318020-image-a-14_1447462242259If you’re anything like me, you were glued to the television last night. The attacks in Paris were horrific enough, and then we had confirmation that ISIS was indeed taking credit for this savage attack. With comments like, “The American blood is best, and we will taste it soon,” we are left to wait, and prepare.

This is scary for anyone, but as a parent it is more so. I was left tossing and turning in bed last night, holding back tears, and worrying about the world my sons were growing up in. My mind drifted to my faith, and the hate that ISIS seems to have for Christians. All I could think about was ISIS on American soil, and my precious little men one day being asked to renounce Christ or be killed.

What small child wouldn’t do so? Children don’t understand the consequences of their actions. They don’t understand scripture like, “But whosoever shall deny me before men, I will deny him also before my Father who is in Heaven.” Would children be denied entrance into Heaven if they denied knowing Jesus before a member of ISIS?

This morning my son asked me, “Momma, what is a terrorist? What is torture? Why would people do this?” I realized that this is the world we now live in. There is no going back, only moving forward, but they may never know a world where this fear doesn’t exist. They will never know a world without extreme security at the airport, terror attacks on the news, or our military fighting in several different locations at once.

I’ve discussed this with several Mommy friends, and the general opinion is no, young children are not held accountable. I want to grasp onto that and declare it’s true, but I don’t want to accept it just because it is what I want to hear. I can’t shake the worry though, that my little five year old would say the wrong thing and somehow not get to be with me in Heaven. What greater fear could I have as a Mom than to worry about the salvation of my children. So, thoughts …. ?